5 Tips to Develop Your Business Branding

Want to develop a brand for a new business? Considering re-branding your existing business in today’s competitive environment? Here are a few tips to get started.

1) Find Your Business ‘Identity’

Forget about colours, fonts, and graphics for now. First, you’ll need to take a step back and consider your business and brand identity. What are your company’s goals and values? What do you stand for? What are you known for? Why should anyone pick you over a competitor?

Your brand and business identity is tied in with the personality of your business. If you can write a paragraph about your business, that’s a start; now narrow it down. If you can write down a handful of words at most that describes your business, you’re off to a good start. 

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2) Find Your Target Audience

Who are you selling to? Who do you want to sell to? Every small business has a particular niche and a target audience, since it makes sense for marketing purposes to put your eggs into the baskets that will pay off. In other words, narrow down select demographics that you think will become your biggest customers and build your brand around relaying messages to them through marketing they will understand.

For example, a late-night pizzeria known for great deals should promote that. Rather than trying to compete with high-end pizzerias and sit-down restaurants, emphasise the fact that you deliver late at night and push your hot prices (2-for-1 deals, for instance). This will go a lot further than trying to compete with high-end restaurants and will attract just the right clientele: students and perhaps young adults who like to stay up late, party, and want fast pizza at great prices.

3) Put Together Visual Materials for Marketing

Appearances really do matter. Ever been looking for a business online only to find the first few results take you to shady-looking websites with terrible UI and design? You’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s a scam website and these types of websites, however well-intentioned, have high bounce rates (users click the back button right away).

Now that your brand has been better defined, make sure it’s complemented with a consistent choice of colours, fonts, and graphics for all media. Websites, social media profiles, billboards, business signage, and vinyl wrapped vehicles should all have consistent branding that makes your business easily identifiable.

4) Put All Branding Elements into a Single Document

Once you’ve assembled all of the visual elements of your brand, such as colours, graphics, fonts, messaging, and so on, it’s time to assemble all of these into one concise document.

This document is particularly useful to share amongst employees and marketing teams so that they’re all aware of the company’s brand and the imagery to convey. It’s also useful when working with graphic design professionals so that they can produce superb and beautiful designs that capture your brand how you want it.

5) Stand Out From the Crowd with Signage and Design

It isn’t unusual to end up with a brand that is unique to your business and that truly feels like it’s yours, only to find that your competitors have similar branding. Don’t be disheartened. If anything, it might just mean that you and others in your industry have all come up with clever branding ideas.

It does matter, however, when you want to stand out from the crowd through differentiation. This is where professional graphic design services and signage can help in the creation of unique and eye-catching content that best uses your brand to get noticed.

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