You can see an overview of our process here, but the first step is always to get a thorough design brief from you. This means you need to show and tell us what your objectives are, what content is to be included and the style or mood of your design. We want to know about colours, budget and any definite “Do-nots”. You’ll deal with our Graphic Designer directly and it can be over the phone, face to face at our studio or via email. We’re flexible and always happy to work in a way that suits you.
After this, we’ll create concept designs and send them to you via email for comment or approval. We’ll let you know throughout the revision process how many hours are spent, how the designs compare to the original budget and also guide you in regards to the style and effectiveness of the artwork. We’re open to all kinds of feedback and will work with you until you’re 100% happy with your design. We love it if you respond promptly to proofs to keep the process moving forward, and we commit to doing the same in return. Our clients are always welcome to come and sit with our designers, in fact we encourage it where possible! Our coffee is pretty awesome too ;).
Once you’re happy and have checked that all the details of your design are absolutely correct, you need to approve your design in writing by return email or signature on a hard copy. This enables us to go ahead and print your design confident that it’s spot-on.